Spring Blossoms at Around the Bend Farms
Volunteers Milsia, Ron, and Farm Manager Josh
The ATBF team has been hard at work this spring, gearing up for the Summer VeggieRX program. Seeds are in the ground, more Warm Springs residents have signed up for vegetable deliveries, and we are thrilled to announce that we received a generous grant from OnPoint Community Credit Union for a company van!
Fresh compost on the Farm fields
Land Systems Nursery delivered eight truckloads of organic compost to our farm. With the help of our dedicated team of executives and volunteers, led by our Farm Manager Josh, we spread the compost across a quarter acre of fields. Despite the cold spring, we planted seeds in the greenhouse and potato tubers in the fields. The sprinklers are running, and we're starting to see seedlings and green leaves emerging.
ATBF & HDFA tabling at Warm Springs
In April, ATBF and HDFFA visited Warm Springs to promote the VeggieRX program. We set up a table outside the Family Resource Center and met with many residents, resulting in over ten new sign-ups for the program!
Makena, Russell, and Josh of ATBF receiving an oversized check from OnPoint CCU for a new company van!
We are also excited to share that OnPoint Community Credit Union has awarded us a $25,000 grant to purchase a company van! With these funds, we bought a Ford Transit from Wholesale Auto Connection, a local used car dealer. This van will be instrumental in our farm work and in delivering vegetables to Warm Springs for the VeggieRX program and other healthy food donations.
Executive Lead Designer Russell with the new ATBF van.
Starting next month, we will take over responsibility for the VeggieRX deliveries to Warm Springs. We are partnering with AgConnect to ensure smooth deliveries, even if we face challenges in our first growing season. We're grateful for the financial support from local businesses and the tireless efforts of our passionate community of volunteers and staff. Together, we are making this farm a blooming success!